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I know a lot of us are constantly self-judging. Sometimes we have a feeling that we get lost , guilty or unhappy because of things that happen in our lives. We sometimes feel like we do not deserve to be loved, others may not know how to love. Everyone is struggeling at some point in their lives with something and I really want you to know that this is oke but there are some things you could do to take care of yourself . Just to be clear, I am not a psychologist nor a 'healer' but what I do know is that some practices can be very powerful in order to reconnect with yourself. It can make you FEEL. And to FEEL is something we tend to suppress nowadays, at least when it comes to 'negative' feelings. When we do so, these feelings start to add up until we collapse. 
Ho'Oponopono is one of these practices that could make you go inward again. Some time ago I was struggeling as well, in fact there are still days that I am struggeling. But at that time I reached out for help and I got to know this wonderful practice, which I still use when I feel lost. In fact it is an ancient Hawaiian tradition that consists of 4 sentences. These 'affirmations' are very clear, short and can be used any time.   It consists of the following: 

"I'm sorry"
"Please forgive me"
"I love you" 
"Thank you"

The person I reached out to, made me say these words to myself. Yes, I hear you thinking that it must sound weird and awkward to say these things to yourself. To be honest it was. But why is that? Why can't we say these things to ourselves more often? Why are we so hard on ourselves sometimes? I don't have all the answers but what I do know is that I first felt very vulnerable and hurt at the same time. Perhaps because I didn't believe what I was saying to myself. Perhaps it became too uncommon to be kind to myself or maybe because someone else was observing me. Whatever the answer may be, the most important thing I realized was that I also felt very pure, relieved and taken care off.  
The message I want to give to you is: whenever you feel like you're self-judging or criticizing yourself, stop for a moment and think about the Ho'Oponopono practice. Whether you apply it or not,  it is a reminder to be more compassionate towards yourself, to be more kind to yourself and to give yourself some credit because you really deserve it!   

Thank you, Christophe Vandeputte - BEmindfool (BE) for introducing me to Ho'Oponopono and therefore self-care.

if you are really interested in getting to know more about ho’oponopono, check out the article via link below:



