Heart above head because it knows more than your mind could ever explain ♥


Let’s be honest, most yoga poses where we see people being upside down do not seem very comfortable or easy at all. But as in everything, there are easier and more difficult poses in which we can practice inversions. It is not the range of difficulty that matters but the most important thing for me to keep in mind is: try to find ease in complexity (which we could and should apply in everyday life as well). Remember that complexity is different for everyone – so there’s no need to compare yourself with others. 

What is an inversion exactly?

An inversion is a pose in which the heart is positioned above the head, or in other words: placing the head lower than the heart. An inversion also belongs to an Asana Family (= pose family). This means that there are several poses which we can assign to this particular family. A few examples are: downward facing dog, legs up the wall, headstand and forward fold. 
It is very important to listen to your own body whilst practicing inversions. As I said before, there are various types ranging from ‘easy’ to ‘advanced’. But again also this depends on what you find difficult. Anyway… always be careful and when in doubt, don’t do any of them without professional assistance.

What are the benefits?

Let’s talk about the physical benefits first. Inversions require a lot of focus (mind) and body awareness. It takes a lot of strength and endurance to stay in a specific pose against the force of gravity.  
Inverted poses can also increase blood circulation and help to stimulate venous blood flow from the pelvis towards the heart. It can also lower your heart rate and allow better uptake of oxygen in the blood. 
It is also said that inverting the body increases focus and alertness (as the oxygen intake increases) and therefore logically reduces tiredness. The body will also release endorphins which again in its turn causes more attention/focus and gives us a more positive feeling. 
By practicing inversions you’ll be working on balance and strength. Also the range of flexibility in your body will improve as you are working in different ranges of motion. 
The benefits on the level of the mind would be that you are creating more confidence in uncommon poses or situations. With inversions you practice patience and perseverance. It also teaches you that nothing is permanent or perfect and that in fact, is totally fine. 

It is important to start with ‘simple’ exercises (f.e. Foreward fold or Downward facing dog) in order to improve and get to know your body capability and to prevent yourself from injuries. Less is more! 😊


